Professional Aviation Services
Phone: +1 705 743 9483
Fax: +1 705 749 0841
Established in 1977, AIRTECH CANADA Aviation Services Limited, operating at the Peterborough Municipal Airport, is primarily involved in the design, engineering, assembly, manufacture, modification, repair, and marketing of aircraft and aviation products.
Our principal products and services include many options and customization.

Aero-Medical Modifications & Completions
Conversion of rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft for use as Air Ambulances. Interior and exterior modifications are designed, developed, approved, manufactured and installed in our plant facilities. Custom and stock solutions. We provide dedicated and semi-dedicated Aero-Medical solutions to suit your needs.

DHC-3/1000 "Otter" Engine Conversion
Otter Engine Conversion of the rugged deHavilland Canada DHC-3 "Otter" to a higher powered, current manufactured, radial engine. This STC'd 1000 hp conversion delivers dramatic take-off and climb performance, new engine reliability, at a cost lower than any other choice of alternate power. Seventeen of these aircraft have been converted, operating in diverse conditions from locations across North and South America.

Modifications for Special Purpose Aircraft
Solutions to meet unique operational requirements
•Cargo Mods •Custom Seats •Livestock Transport Equipment •Combi-Conversion •Stretcher Racks/Berths •Monitor Bars •Custom Cabinetry •Long Range Fuel Tanks •Exhaust Repairs •Searchlight and Camera Mount Installations •Cargo & Special Equipment Pods •Float "Kits" •Camera Windows •Survey Modifications •Component Overhaul •Other Engine Conversions

- Design
- Testing
- Approvals (DAR)
- Modifications
- Custom Manufacturing
- Completions
- Bonded Panel Construction
- Painting
- AMO: DOT AWM 563
- Manufacturing: DOT AWM 561
- Distribution: DOT AWM 563
- Approval: Transport Canada AMO 171-92
- Installations
- Component Overhaul & Repair
- Machining
- Metal Forming
- Prototyping
- Welding - Aluminum, Steel & Stainless
- Build to Print
- Repair
- Welding to MIL-STD 1595 A
- Machine Shop (Conventional)
- Sheet Metal forming
- English Wheel and Eckold Piccolo
Peterborough Airport

Airport Features
- Transport Canada Certified Airport
- Runway 09-27, 7000 x 100 ft asphalt
- Runway 13-31 2000 x 49 ft asphalt
- Design Aircraft Boeing BBJ3 (B737-900)
- Airside lighting: Type K Medium Intensity lighting, PAPI Lighting System
- Published NDB & RNAV Instrument Approaches
- Automated weather observation site (AWOS) onsite 126.925 Mhz
- Toronto Area Control Centre - PAL 134.25 Mhz
- No noise restrictions
- No operating curfews
- Efficient taxiway infrastructure and supporting aprons
- Customs: CANPASS
- Air terminal and restaurant
- Short and Long-term parking
- Free wireless internet
- Avionics
- Aircraft Painting & Interiors
- Engineering
- Turbine Engine Repair